2013年8月18日 星期日


weyzhiro 發表於 2013-8-18 15:25  

只要跌到我的價位我就會買,每檔我都會看 !!

mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 08:48  

葛拉罕是這樣教的嗎 ?
若是,他何必寫書教人怎麼選股 !

weyzhiro 發表於 2013-8-19 10:25  

總要有人跟你挑戰才有樂趣 !!

mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 10:29  


weyzhiro 發表於 2013-8-19 10:34  

別這麼快下結論 !!

mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 10:45  

還是從壞學生中挑 ?


還要知道公司是否真有轉機 ?
想借葛拉罕來挑戰 ? 同學該更用功才行,

mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 10:59  

看看哪些雞蛋水餃股從什麼地方可以看出有轉機 ?
同學不是登過葛拉罕的幾大原則嗎 ?
怎麼一直不見同學套用過,為何 ?

weyzhiro 發表於 2013-8-19 11:33  

一直在套用 !!
不用看轉機 !!
看股價淨值比 !!
市場終究會把股價推升到淨值附近甚至高於淨值 !!
你看得到的股價淨值比0.66以下的標的都適用 不用刻意挑選 !!

mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 11:39  


Josephchu0616 發表於 2013-8-19 17:11  

葛拉漢早年(1930代)使用一種方法叫NCAV(net current asset value) approach,他的方法如下:
1. 無選股限制 
2. 2/3 (67%)net current asset value 。非book value 而是current asset - (total liabilities + preferred stock)
3. 買30 - 100支股票分散風險(菸屁股要撿很多支)
4. 如果該公司過去有賠錢紀錄就應把買進價設的更低
5. 股東權益大於負債
6. 漲50%或2年到了即賣出(我猜會用67%就是希望至少漲回net current asset value時可賺50%)

這是我找到的二手資料,作者說出處是1934年版的"Security Analysis",我沒看過這本書,所以不敢保証是正確的。希望有看過這本書的同學確認一下。
67% 的NCAV比67%的book value嚴格許多,只能以67%的(現金+應收+庫存)-(所有負債+preferred stock)價格買進。

我想以葛拉漢身處大蕭條時代,應該不可能用67%的book value去買股票。
Philosophy and StyleThe Graham net current asset value approach is one of the oldest documented stock selection methodologies, dating back to the 1930s. Net current asset value, or NCAV, looks at current assets minus total liabilities and preferred stock. Graham also termed NCAV a company’s “liquidation value.” His rationale was that this was the minimum value a company would be able to garner if its assets were sold off. Graham purchased large numbers (from 30 to as many as 100) “bargain” issues to limit the risk of any one individual issue.
Universe of Stocks
No restrictions. By their nature, however, the stocks typically passing this screen are small-capitalization stocks, or even micro-caps.
Primary Criteria
Bargain price with a margin of safety: Price no more than two-thirds the company’s net current asset value.
Secondary Factors

“Reasonably satisfactory” earnings record and prospects: Companies that are losing money or have an erratic earnings history are likely to see their intrinsic value decline, making them less undervalued or potentially overvalued.
“Sound financial condition”: As a test for financial strength, Graham suggests looking for companies with total stockholder’s equity (common and preferred equity) greater than the total of current liabilities and long-term debt.
Stock Monitoring and When to Sell

Graham held large numbers of companies trading below their net current asset value to mitigate individual company risk, suggesting as many as 30. His Graham-Newman fund held as many as 100 of these issues at a time.
When he bought a stock trading at 67% of its net current asset value, he would hold it until he had a 50% gain on it or until he had held it for two years.

mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 18:23  


mikeon88 發表於 2013-8-19 19:42 



